Hedging reports

On this page, you can find the history of hedging orders, view comprehensive order data and drill down to the minute details of each execution.

View order details

To display detailed information about an order, click a corresponding row in the table.

On the details page that is displayed, you can find all the data related to order placement requests and hedging platform responses, as well as learn about the timing of each step along the order processing pipeline.

Filter report data

To display data for a specific time range, client and symbol, click the funnel button and specify the required criteria.

Customize the report layout

The table layout is configurable, making it possible to reorder the columns and display or hide any column according to your preferences.

To arrange table columns, click the parameters button displayed on the right at the top of the page.

You can drag the columns on the list to change their order, as well as hide or display selected columns.

Last updated

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